The race for low cost smartphones in India is heating up with Sistema Shyam TeleServices Limited (SSTL) on Tuesday launching MTS MTAG 401. in the sub Rs 9,000 category. The device runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread and comes bundled with the disruptive ‘On mobile’ unlimited data plans.
“This latest Smartphone MTS MTag 401 is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon S1 Processor and runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread. MTS MTag 401 comes bundled with unlimited “All You Can Use” data plans and local MTS to MTS Calls available in both prepaid and postpaid. The Smartphone has been positioned for discerning on the move, tech savvy youth”, said Leonid Musatov, Chief Marketing & Sales Officer, MTS India,
MTS MTag 401 is packed with a large 4.0” capacitive touch-display offering 800X480 (WVGA) pixel display and runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread. The Smartphone is powered by the advanced 800m Mhz Qualcomm Snapdragon S1 Processor and comes with a large 1700 mAh battery – again the largest in its class. MTag401 features a 3.0 megapixel camera expandable memory slot of up to 32 GB and comes pre-bundled with a 2 GB card in box
MTag 401 comes with MTS TV application allowing its users on the move access to Live TV with more than 100 channels. It provides easy access to Google Mail, YouTube, Google Maps and much more. Users can also choose and download from 400,000 applications and games from Google Play (market). The large display makes streaming videos, music and playing games a visual delight.
The launch of MTS MTag 401 is supported by an extensive 360 degree communication program including digital media, print advertising, and a range of below the line initiatives.
MTS is creating a strong product pipeline to cater to the growing demand of ‘on the move’ data access. In addition to the latest Smartphone, the company will soon be coming out with a stylish 7 inch Tablet. Based on Android 2.2 Froyo, the tablet will come bundled with exciting media apps and free data usage. |