Even as the whole issue pertaining to concerns over effects of mobile radio waves on human health has gained momentum in India, a new study carried out in UK points out that mobile phone radiations may pose health risks and therefore warn the parents to ensure limit use of mobile phones by children.
The report which states that mobile phone radiations should be considered a health risk mentions that the study findings were astounding and much more concerning. “What we found was astounding and much more concerning that what we had been led to believe," said the head of the research team, Dr David Servan-Schreiber.
Though the report admits that more research should be done on the subject before making a firm opinion against exposure to mobile radio waves, it however highlights that during study it was found that significant levels of electromagnetic radiations from mobile phones did penetrate the human body. The report also says that until more research is done, mobile gadgets should be considered dangerous.
The report points that children in particular are more susceptible to radiations as compared to adults. |