The Department of Telecom (DoT) has cleared nine telecom towers in Jaipur of emitting excessive radiation.
Dot said that that the radiation is within the prescribed limit set by International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
Telecom Enforcement, Resource and Monitoring (TERM) cell has tested 509 base transceiver stations in Jaipur and 1,086 BTS in Rajasthan so far.
The tests were completed in two days under the supervision of Bal Kishan, director of radio communication division, DoT.
Kishan said that after the testing, we found that the actual level of radiation being emitted by the telecom towers was well below the level of standard radiation limit set by the ICNIRP," said He brushed aside reports of health hazards due to radiation and said, "This is absolutely wrong. There is no scientific evidence behind it.
"In India, we follow the limits based on ICNIRP guidelines which have been accepted by International Telecom Union (ITU-T Recommendation) and are being followed in most countries. All telecom/mobile service providers are governed by terms and condition of licenses issued by the DoT". Kishan said.
Additional district magistrate Jaswant Singh, Jaipur Municipal Corporation CEO Lok Nath Soni, director Telecom Enforcement, Resource and Monitoring (TERM cell, a field unit of DoT) GS Shekhawat and junior telecom officer PN Gupta and other telecom department officials accompanied Kishan during the site visits. |