Vodafone, on Thursday announced a strategic partnership with Samsung to make a select range of Samsung 4G smartphones more affordable and accessible with an attractive cashback offer. Vodafone customers, both existing and new, can purchase any of the popular Samsung 4G smartphones - Galaxy J2 Pro, Galaxy J7 Nxt or Galaxy J7 Max to enjoy the cash back offer of Rs. 1500.
To avail this special offer, prepaid customers have to simply recharge with Rs 198/- per month for 24 months which would give them unlimited voice calls and 1GB data/day (the customer can also do any other recharge cumulating to Rs. 198/- per month). Postpaid customers need to opt into any one of Vodafone’s attractive Red Plans. At the end of the first12 months, users will receive a cash back of Rs. 600/- and after another 12 months, a cash back of Rs. 900/- respectively, thus availing a total cashback of Rs. 1500/-. The cash back will be credited to their Vodafone M-Pesa wallets.
“We are incentivizing our customers to enjoy the Vodafone SuperNet 4G data strong network on some of Samsung’s most popular 4G Smartphones. With this partnering, we now offer cashback over the widest spectrum of 4G smartphones across various price points. This is in line with our strategy to democartise data and make 4G more accessible. Our offer with Samsung will encourage customers to buy/upgrade their smartphones for a richer voice and data experience,” said Avneesh Khosla, Associate Director – Consumer Business, Vodafone India.
“We are happy to partner with Vodafone as it gives us another opportunity to enhance consumer experience, combining our popular Galaxy J series smartphones with their services at affordable prices. Today, every third smartphone sold in India is a Galaxy J series device. These smartphones come with several consumer centric innovations developed under the Samsung ‘Make for India’ initiative,” said Ranjivjit Singh, Chief Marketing Officer, Samsung India.
Details of models and cash back offer extended
The offer will be launched across different locations, later this month. |