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    What are RSS feeds?
    RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an automated way to get the latest telecomtiger content.   The telecomtiger feeds include headlines, thumbnail photos, a "teaser" paragraph, and the URL. We have a number of different feeds, in addition to the general feed, to better serve  our readers.
    To take advantage of our RSS offerings, you can use a browser-based reader (the latest versions of Firefox, Explorer and Opera all can keep track of your feeds), a stand-alone aggregator program (such as FeedReader or NewGator), or a web-based reader such as those found in MyYahoo and Google Reader.
Telecom Tiger RSS
  RSS                            Main News
  RSS                            Enterprise
  RSS                            VAS
  RSS                            Corporate
  RSS                            Policy & Regulation
  RSS                            Industry View
  RSS                            Career Point
  RSS                            HandSet
  RSS                            People Movement
  RSS                            3G
  RSS                            Technology
  RSS                            Broadband
  RSS                            WiMAX
  RSS                            BWA/LTE
  RSS                            DTH
  RSS                            Infrastructure
  RSS                            What Happening
  RSS                            Debate
  RSS                            Brands
  RSS                            Indian Brands
  RSS                            MobileNews
  RSS                            M2M News
  RSS                            M2M Updates
  RSS                            Cyber Security
  RSS                            Cyber Security Update
  RSS                            Blog