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Subscriber Growth
Financial Performance
Future Outlook for Airtel
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Special Report

Financial Performance

Bharti Airtel’s success story on the subscriber base growth front started reflecting on its financial performance as well and the company is inching towards BSNL to replace it as the top revenue earner in telecom services market.


For the time period starting 2004, Bharti has managed to consistently pose a growth in profit of more than 50 percent atleast with growth figure s for year 2005 and 2007 scaling the 100 percent mark.



Furthermore the company’s revenues multiplied more than five time to reach a figure of Rs 27,000 crore as compared to Rs 5000 crore in 2004.


Interestingly the company has managed to improve its net profit margin from 11.6 percent to 23.7 percent.



The company claims to have a market capitalisation of $33 billion

Next Chapter :: Future Outlook for Airtel
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