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US Wireless market: Key trends
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US Wireless market: Key trends

There are few key trends that can be noted as basic characteristics defining the current wireless industry of the country.


One of the chief trends is the growing number of exclusive tie ups forged between handset makers and network operators. Prominent players like AT&T, Verizon and Sprint too haven’t eluded from this phenomenon.


Secondly, the descend of new technologies like 3G, WiMAX, 4G or LTE have become the industry’s significant feature, with them set to make the market a lot more competitive and exciting.


In regard to 3G network, Verizon Wireless and Sprint Nextel rule the roost with their CDMA2000 technologies. Their subscriber base outnumbers those on the WCDMA technology offered by AT&T Mobility. But the launch of HSDPA enhancements by AT&T Mobility has begun to close the gap.


However, the actual battles lie ahead, with 4G technology underway, and with Sprint Nextel having started a WiMAX deployment to 85 percent of the largest US markets, and with other carriers, notably Verizon Wireless and AT&T Mobility announcing their own LTE strategies, the US wireless market is something to look forward to.


Next Chapter :: USA Wireless Market Analysis
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