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Admob doubles its mobile web traffic from India to one billion within 9 months of launch
TT Correspondent |  Mumbai |  07 Apr 2010

Mobile Web Advertising firm, Admob today claimed crossing the 1.2 billion mark in March, 2010 for mobile web traffic on its mobile advertising platform resulting in almost 100% growth considering the 502 million mobile web traffic it registered during first month of its launch in India in June, 2010.


“We are thrilled to reach and cross this landmark figure of over One Billion and hope to continue contributing toward the mobile ecosystem in India. The reported growth of over a 100 percent in less than a year is a testament to the growing Indian mobile web marketplace, we look forward to what is next given improved data plans and enhanced device capabilities” said Jeff Merkel, VP and Managing Director for APLA.


India continues to be the company’s second highest market in terms of contributing to the mobile web traffic. “Mobile ownership and usage far outstrips ownership of PCs with Internet access in India. In the near future Mobile Internet usage is going to overtake fixed line internet usage in India,” said Mahesh Narayanan, Country Manager India, AdMob.


Mobile is already a vital component of the overall digital strategy for most marketers and advertisers are increasingly capitalizing on this opportunity to reach new consumers & engage with existing ones in India” he added.


The company claims that leading brands, Nokia, Vodafone, ICICI Bank, Travelocity, Toyota and Warner Bros. Pictures are using its platform to meet their mobile web advertising goals.

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07 Apr 2010(IST)  
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